A ladybug for luck!
We have provincial approval! We recieved notification from FOI that the province approved us on June 14th. Our documents are now being translated and FOI is getting our dossier ready to be couriered to China. We are unsure of the wait time for this stretch. I guess it will depend on when FOI can get enough files together to send over at the same time. In the adoption circles, friends are saying it can be anywhere from 2 weeks (which we are at now) to 6 weeks. But, our provincial approval took 8 weeks less than expected, so maybe Dossier to China (DTC) and log in date will surprise us too. A little lady bug for luck!
We have been keeping a close eye out for Ron and Val Thom in BC who are currently in China to get their precious new addition Olivia. I first spoke to Val when we started the adoption process for some ideas and advice. It is such a special time for them and we are enjoying watching their journey.
We are now officially done the paperchasing portion of the adoption and are now on to the waiting portion. We are meeting more and more people who are adopting and are getting quite a network to help us out and support us. So far the wait has not been too bad. We have been occupied with our 5 day trip to Southern Ontario to see our new neices and nephew and our minds are also on our new house.
Yes, you did read right! We bought another house. Time to move the business out of the house. Well, more like time for us to move out of the business environment! :) The house is 4 houses away on our road, which will give us enough space from the clinic, but at the same time be close enough for us to be here for emergencies, and Peanut will have the best of both worlds.
Once I have pictures of the new house, then I will post them.